Wednesday 27 July 2016


It's the ultimate decision, one that we all hope we never have to make: save your mother or save your spouse. 
A man in China was forced to make the tough decision when floods swept through Daxian village, north-east China's Hebei province, last week, reports the People's Daily Online
Gao Fengshou rushed to his mother's house first to check on her before returning for his wife and two children aged two and four. His wife was so angry at his decision that she decided to leave him.
Uh oh! Chinese media claim this is the picture of the man, Gao Fengshou, who saved his mother before his wife
Uh oh! Chinese media claim this is the picture of the man, Gao Fengshou, who saved his mother before his wife
According to the report, the event occurred at around 9pm on July 19.
Gao, a professional home decorator, saw on Chinese social media that heavy rain was on its way and would cause severe flooding to the region. 
Gao's mother lives alone on the west side of Daxian village while he lives with his wife, father and children on the east side. 
Instead of thinking about his wife, whom he had married for five years, the man's first concern was his mother.
He rushed to her house and saw that she was safe and the flooding had not affected her.  
He then returned home to spend the rest of the night with her wife, who was panicking about the incoming flooding. 
At around 1am on July 20, floodwaters reached his village and were rising quickly, the report said. 
Upon seeing this, Gao dashed to his mother's house, leaving his wife, father and children behind.
When he arrived at his mother's house, the flooding had reached waist high. 
Worried for her safety, Gao told her to stay in her neighbour's house before quickly driving back to his own home. 
Mass devestation: Roads were left damaged by recent floodwaters which hit Daxian village
Mass devestation: Roads were left damaged by recent floodwaters which hit Daxian village
Tragic loss: Policemen take away chickens after flooding devastated the province of Hebei 
Tragic loss: Policemen take away chickens after flooding devastated the province of Hebei 
When he returned from checking on his mother, he found his family on the rooftop trying to escape from fast-flowing floodwaters.
His wife was unimpressed and has refused to speak to her husband. 
The next day, she took her two children along with 2,000 yuan (£230) in cash and left Gao.
According to Chinese media, 25 people in the village died in the floods and 13 are still missing.  
People have been discussing the story on China's social media site Weibo
One user wrote: 'I always thought it was a fairy tale naive question. I did not expect it to be a reality. Brother I feel your pain.' 
While another commented: 'To save the mother is right, but I can understand the reaction from his wife. Life is not easy.' 
And one user said: 'As a wife and mother, I can understand this man's choice, but I'm sorry I will not forgive. This is my attitude.' 
Hebei province is one of the worst affected areas by the flooding and heavy rain.
164 people have been killed and 125 remain missing in the latest flooding which has hit northern China over the past week. 
A car stands upside down after floodwaters caused chaos in China's Hebei province
Read more: 
A car stands upside down after floodwaters caused chaos in China's Hebei province
Credit-  Daily Mail

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