Wednesday, 10 February 2016


Nanny state: The 'repeat offender' goat which has been arrested for nibbling on a judge's plants in India
 YEA, you read right. Culled this bizarre and funny story from the Daily Mail and thought i should share with you guys.

A goat could face up to seven years in prison after being arrested for nibbling on a judge's plants.
Police sprang into action on Monday, registering a case against the nanny and its owner for raiding the district magistrate's petunias and cabbages.
They were released on bail after spending a night in the cells, but face charges of causing mischief and criminal trespass, offences that carry a two to seven-year prison term and a fine. 

Bleating cheek: The goat has been booked under charges that carry a two to seven year prison term and a fine

Officer Ram Sewak Paikra from Janakpur town in Korea district, Chhattisgarh state said the female goat was allegedly a 'repeat offender'.
He added: 'The goat and the owner were under police custody and are out, as both the sections 427 and 447 of the IPC (Indian Penal Code) are bailable offences.'

Local media were running video footage of the offending – and now tethered – black goat.
Rajesh Paikra, the official's gardener, herded the captured goat to the local police station on Monday, demanding action. 

i wonder what would now happen to our offending fulani cattle stock that has been terrorising farmlands in the country if we enact such law.

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