Wednesday 21 September 2016


Female lecturers are often branded nerdy and conservative in their approach generally to life with scant or no regard for fashion and elegance. Fashion and scholarship are often seen as mutually exclusive. With time however, some of the libertarians among the horde of academics crept away from their shell to look better than their peers. even with this paradigm shift, many of them were branded "whores" and not real scholars. however, a documentary vide an investigation by a Chinese media outlet has released eye-catching pictures of young, fashionable, female lecturers who have taken the academic world by storm with their combination of beauty and brain thereby demystifying the long held belief that both are mutually exclusive. below are excerpts from the Daily Mail detailing the forays made by these ladies dubbed 'goddesses" by their students who are awe-struck.

These female educators, from the Sichuan Normal University in south-west China, have been billed as 'goddesses' after their school uploaded pictures of them to a social media platform.
Students at the university are studying harder and sitting in on extra classes because they want to meet these beautiful lectures, according to a teacher from the school.
Gorgeous: Teachers from China's Sichuan Normal University have been called 'goddess lecturers' for their good looks. Pictured above is Cheng Si, one of the teachers who are popular among students
Gorgeous: Teachers from China's Sichuan Normal University have been called 'goddess lecturers' for their good looks. Pictured above is Cheng Si, one of the teachers who are popular among students
At work: Cheng Si (above) teaches at the College of Fashion and Design. She is also studying her Master's degree in artistic design
At work: Cheng Si (above) teaches at the College of Fashion and Design. She is also studying her Master's degree in artistic design

Stylish: Huang Leiping, another 'Goddess lecture', teaches at the school's College of Dance
Stylish: Huang Leiping, another 'Goddess lecture', teaches at the school's College of Dance
Elegant: Huang is a folk dancer and has received many national awards for her performance
Elegant: Huang is a folk dancer and has received many national awards for her performance

Highly popular: Huang is funny and strict at the same time, according to the school

Dong Jing, also from the College of Art, teaches visual communication and animation
She is an award-winning teacher and has published a dozen children's books
The Sichuan Normal University is located in Chengdu, a city known for its beautiful women. 
These teachers were selected by their school to represent a generation of young lectures to the public. 
A teacher surnamed Xu, who is charge of the school's social media publicity, told MailOnline that the teachers were chosen based on their academic achievements, popularity as well as their appearances.

Xu said: 'Because we're a teachers' college. Our students will be teachers in the future. We wanted these lectures to be their examples and to show them what they could become.'
Their pictures were shared in two posts on the university's account on WeChat, a Chinese social media app, on May 7 and September 19.   
According to the school, the first post had received such good feedback that they decided to post a second one.

Wang Ying has a PhD in modern Chinese literature
She teaches at the College of Chinese Literature and is an established author
Respectable: Wang Ying has a PhD in modern Chinese literature. She teaches at the College of Chinese Literature and is an established author

Beautiful: Teacher Li Qingqing has taught English Literature in the College of Foreign Languages since 1998. She is extremely pretty and talented, said her students 
Beautiful: Teacher Li Qingqing has taught English Literature in the College of Foreign Languages since 1998. She is extremely pretty and talented, said her students 

Chen Shan is an associate professor at the College of Art
She is very popular among students who hope to study their Master's degrees in traditional Chinese arts
Chen Shan (above), an associate professor at the College of Art, is very popular among students who hope to study their Master's degrees in traditional Chinese arts

Accomplished: Teacher Chu Ziqi has studied dancing as well as educational theory in the past

Unique: Chu is well liked among students for combining Western and Chinese methodologies in her teaching
Chu is well liked among students for combining Western and Chinese methodologies in her teaching

A total of 16 teachers have been selected. They teach a variety of majors, including singing, dancing, artistic design, theatre and English.
Xu hoped that the posts would change Chinese people's stereotypes towards successful female teachers, who are often thought to be old, ruthless and cold.  
Xu added: 'Students are very willing to take their lessons. Some said they would sit in on extra classes just to see these teachers.' 
Wei Yina was a professional model
Now she teaches at the College of Fashion in the Sichuan Normal University
Fashionable: Wei Yina was a professional model and now she teaches at the College of Fashion in the Sichuan Normal University

Yang Tao specialises in folk dance and has co-authored a text book on the topic. She is now writing a text book on the dance moves of Chinese minority group Yi
Yang Tao specialises in folk dance and has co-authored a text book on the topic. She is now writing a text book on the dance moves of Chinese minority group Yi

Liu Hongdou is a lecture in singing at the Sichuan Normal University specialising in folk music
Liu Hongdou is a lecture in singing at the Sichuan Normal University specialising in folk music
These pictures have been widely shared on Chinese internet. 
On, one of China's largest news websites, many web users are stunned by the teachers' youth and attractive appearances, such as 'Xuan' who commented 'They have beauty and intelligence.'
Another user called 'rain, cloud' said: 'They are impossibly beautiful.'

Some users said these teachers made them want to go back to school again. A user called 'Snake' said: 'If I were still studying, I would surely work harder.'
However, there were also people arguing that their teaching skills should be more important. 
'Ba shan shu shui' is one of them who wrote: 'It's no use to say they are pretty. The key is if they know how to teach and if they teach hard.'  

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